
Showing posts from June, 2012

My Silent Lunch

Everyday I pray that God would give me opportunities/courage to love, speak Truth & just listen to the Youth here as they come into "The Factory"(YFC drop-in).  Today, however I believe that God showed me that He can work even in the silence. From across the room as I was getting my lunch ready I noticed him.  He looked tired & just plain angry--upset with the world & annoyed!  As music blared from his headphones, I felt a nudge in my heart to just try to start a conversation.  I went over with my lunch & said "Hey ________! Can I sit here?" There was no response...not even a grunt or a groan...he didn't even acknowledge me!  So I tried again..."Are you okay, how ya doing?"  I still got NOTHING!!  At first I was a little frustrated...and annoyed!  Then something clicked & I began to think about this kid and all the disappointments/hurts/pains he could be dealing with and my heart  was moved to pray!  Prayer is...