I Cried, I Laughed, I Shouted with JOY...Baptism at PAC
I am overwhelmed & completely excited & humbled by what God is doing in Portage la Prairie!! He is definitely working...and all I can say is "Yes, God!!!" He is so good!!! Last Sunday I got to watch a baptism ... hear & see some of what God is doing! I cried tears of joy as I saw these ladies & men declare before God and their community of believers that they were following Jesus! Their old life was dead and new life in Christ has begun....and let me just say that the baptism didn't save them...it doesn't guarantee their place in heaven and give them the right to stand before God, but it is an outward show that they have put their faith in Jesus Christ. These brothers and sisters no longer find their identity in their hurt, struggles & pain...their identity is in Christ! So if you have 47 minutesish...grab tissue, click on this link: http://vimeo.com/63520694 and give a shout of praise...for what is dead has come ...