Beyond Limits
Have you ever exceeded your limits? You push past the speed limit in driving, you eat one more cookie even though your stomach feels full, or you stay just a half hour more at work and ignore your headache or exhaustion because you just have to get work done! If all that sounds familiar, it won’t be long before the pushing through catches up to you. The police pull you over, eating habits become unhealthy and your work leaves you feeling burnt out and lifeless. This summer began with me speaking out loud what I already knew in my soul and that was that I was going way beyond my limits! Yes me! The girl who tries to prove that she has no limits had to step back and say, “Enough!” I stepped out of my role of overseeing our summer students and was given the grace and freedom to use this summer as a recovery/rest time. It has been a challenge to admit to myself (and others around me) that I have limits, but I am learning that it is a human thing. ...