When Skies Are Grey... (Living in "The In Between" Space)

Just reminding us (yes, even me) of how to live well in the middle...in the place of questions...in the place where things don't always make sense. This is a place of waiting, the place of holding onto dreams that are promised and yet to be fulfilled. It is a place of darkness and yet a place of glimpses of hope, beauty and a peace that goes beyond how we feel in reminding ourselves that He is here. This is the tension place, the "in between" place. A place of walking in our pilgrimage one step, one breath at a time. Holding on to what we KNOW...learning to laugh and celebrate and be ok with life not always making sense...learning to dance in the rain and bask in the sun and know that 'in the middle' is where beauty and glory can and does grow. So if you find yourself here...here are 50 things (not in order of importance) that I pray can help us on our journey... You are not alone...He is with you. You are not in control...and it's ...