He's already there.

My God is the God who goes before! He was, is, and always will be! Before I took a breath He was already there from eternity. This truth hits my prayers and my heart almost daily. Over the last years I've noticed in my life how those of us who've grown up in Christian culture have tried to control, manipulate and force the Presence of God to only be in a certain building, on a specific day and work in a certain way. We've even elevated and exalted "full-time, career missionaries" and thought them to be more holy than the man who works quietly and shares Jesus as a salesman, or the Mom who feels that all she does is clean babies and house, but prays fervently in her heart in the middle of the mess. Is God only confined to the things we've labeled sacred? Can He be found in the very ordinary, 'secular' things of life? The life I live reminds me that God is already there and He invites me to step in and up to where He is working. Wh...