In My Children's Eyes (A Mom's View on the Cracked, Empty, Beloved Days)

What a healthy, holy thing it is for me to have people from different seasons, relationship statuses and generations in my life! I learn from all ages, groups and people. One of these people is my dear soul friend from college. We actually met in 2006 and haven’t spent longer than a week together since our college days, but when she speaks, texts or writes I listen. I listen because she finds the Holy in the ordinary, joy in the mess, and when she speaks it makes me ask the big questions and even evaluate if I am living out of a real Jesus love or just a dead pew religion. She is my fiery, ginger -haired moxie-drinking, Mainer, (*insert New England Accent* and say it in your head “Mainah” cause it’s fun) mother of 2 boys, wife to one wild man friend. She is beautiful and so grab your tea or bucket of ice cream as I often do when we have a visit over FaceTime and read her heart in the words below. She is new to the blog scene, but as you read you will understand why I n...