Can't Stop The Noise

I was walking down the hall of my workplace during my summer student job placement . Many of the lovely clients we served there were people who had physical and intellectual disabilities. One of them who we will call "Guss" said, "Deanna, can you stop making that noise when you walk?!" I don't fault Guss and if I were honest the sound is a little annoying...I mean sometimes I really wish I could just sneak up on people and be all stealthy, ya know?!😊 My 'noise' was the sound of my crutches. Those of you who know me and have shared space with me know what I'm talking about. "Click, Click, Clack, Clack" Yep, the sound of my mobility aids. This sound can carry the happy sound of joy, freedom, dance and Dee presence if you are my momma, friend, brothers or even the beautiful little old ladies at church. There is another harder- to- swallow side to this sound though. It is a sound that carries with it a tone of...