Sisterly Competition

I wish I wouldn't be so sensitive to it, but I am. I am an adult and still so very aware that I try dang hard to “even the playing field," cut the competition and make sure that no one is more special over the rest. I’ve reflected/ prayed the se weeks about where this comes from and my mind takes me back to life growing up. I have 5 siblings and one thing that I am working and being healed through is the pain I've felt because I was their ‘special needs’ sister. I took a lot of time from them--while other siblings ran and wrestled together , mine did homework in physiotherapist waiting rooms. While other siblings played together, shared chores and responsibilities mine were left to carry walkers up staircases and make sure my leg braces were on me. For the most part they handled things well and were and are a good support team, but even now I can sometimes work so hard to make sure that I don’t get all the attention on a video call...or make th...