
Showing posts from April, 2021

Street Smells

 It has been part of my daily activities now that the weather is warmer to take a walk around my block.  Most of the time I use my crutches--the odd time I will wheel in my mobility scooter,but the first thing I do is take a deep breath of fresh air in unmasked abandon (providing there are not people close to me)!     A few weeks ago it was around supper time and I was walking---savoring---breathing!  As I breathed in,  I smelled the smells of the world coming from the many beautiful local multicultural restaurants that make home in my end of the city.  In one sniff you can be carried to a far away land by the scent of curry, cardamom and cinnamon.  You can smell food from India,  Africa, Thailand, and China! If you walk far enough all of that could be mixed with the smell of bannock,  bread , fried chicken & coffee just to balance it all out and make us not forget that that though are noses may have transported us to another pl...