
This summer I had the joy of visiting with friends that came from afar. I was excited! We arranged a rendezvous spot and a time to meet. Even though we set a time , I always leave room in my life for those unexpected delays. Construction, washroom breaks, slowness of my body are some of those unexpected things that I like to leave room for as much as I like to be prompt and on time. I waited with expectation until the time came when I could see my friends face to face! This reminds me of how to live in the now and not yet of Jesus’ return. He definitely comes by His Spirit to be with us in the now, but one day —one day my friends He will come physically and we will see Him face to face. He will once for all set things right in His justice and holiness. Our God will dwell with us and us with Him. He wants and longs for us to be ready and waiting for Him. Like a bride waiting for her groom, like a friend waiting to see the face of another friend. Soon it will happen! I am drawn to r...