
Showing posts from December, 2011

"This is how it feels to dance, Dee!"

Last month I went to a Christmas Ball that Xavier Christian Fellowship was hosting on the campus of St. FX!  I was so excited to spend some time with my little brother & meet his friends and hang out with them.  I watched and laughed while the others danced, secretly wishing that I could just give up these crutches and get movin'. Those feelings of not being able to do something & the words "I can't" came back!  This is what I live with everyday....and everyday God has to remind me that even though I can't, HE can!   I tried to enjoy the ball, & move on..I wasn't gonna let the feelings of inadequacy & defeat ruin my night!!  Then out of nowhere a precious friend rolled over a computer chair & said "Here, I think it would be so cool if you 'danced' with us!"  She didn't know what that simple act would do for my heart!  I, Deanna Stearns, a crippled, weak girl got to dance!!!  I got twirled around a few times and I laug...

What Is God Up To With Deanna? YFC Portage La Prairie, Manitoba

Here is my 1st Support Letter...PRAY WITH ME! Also, Check Out the Website of YFC Portage : Dear Family & Friends, “Deanna, what are you doing?--is the question that I have been asked so often, when really it should be, “What is GOD doing with Deanna?” My life is not my own. God is writing the story of my life and although there are times when I doubt His plan, fight with Him about it, and feel so weak that I can’t do it, He has the strength & plan to carry me through each chapter of this God-written story. Since January 2011, I have been in contact with Jim Ritkes--Executive Director of Youth For Christ in Portage La Prairie. After much prayer & consideration, a trip to Portage in May 2011 and many conversations with Jim and trusted family/ friends, I am excited to share with you that God is allowing me the privilege to join YFC in Portage La Pairie, Manitoba. This full-time Female Youth Mentor position is one that I believe God has been preparin...