"There was a moose who liked to drink a lot of juice..." (YFC Summer Staff)

I sat in the back of our YFC van laughing until my sides hurt! We were on our way back from a High School Girls Campout and our two summer staff gals were singing about this moose who liked to drink a lot of juice?! Crazy I know, but this was just one of the many moments during the summer that brought a smile to my face! You see , these two girls (pictured so beautifully above) prayed, laughed, planned and ran our programs for the summer! I knew as I watched and worked with these ladies that God was working through them. They not only were the hands and love of Jesus to the Youth of Portage this summer, but also to me! So now, sweet summer girls staff of 2013...the summer is done, You worked your heart out and now look what God has done! Thank you for being the sunshine in my life this summer! Stay Strong and Live out His love in the hallsof Westpark & SBC. This guy is an exceptional leader and keeps us all on track! He too was ...