Where You are is Home!

I recently made a trip back to the east coast for a few weeks of rest. I enjoyed it very much...and then again it is always hard to let go again...to let go of my comfort, my family, my security! Then after all the tears, hugs, prayers and laughing has passed I sat on the airplane and He whispers to my heart, "Do you love them more than ME?" and with tears streaming down my face and open hands I let them go and again take the hand of my beautiful Jesus! This is my calling...there is no place I'd rather be. The morning I left Someone prayed over me these words..."Home is not a place....Home is where YOU (Jesus) are! I am grateful for this time...and I am grateful to be in the place where Jesus has lead me!! This is HOME!! Me & My 3rd Sister--Kara My Baby Brother--Sandy Nieces & Nephews at the beach...We were missing 3 out of 8 though Dear Friend Visits Wheelchair Adventures with my Oldest Nieces My Oldest sister-- Chrissy ...