An Escalator & Pride
A few months ago I stood at the bottom of this terrible thing! I was with my YFC/YU sister and we were just spending time together...heart sharing, laughing, drinking smoothies...catching up! I was talking of things I always wanted to do, but never have done! For you, riding an escalator may be a normal thing, but for me in this weak body it is NOT an easy task! I spotted it and said, "Let's do it!" I got up from my scooter chair, put one foot on the bottom of the belt...and grabbed the railing (quickly realizing that in my world I usually grab a railing to stabilize myself,but on an escalator the railing actually MOVES...who would have thought it?!) Well, as you can imagine my feet went one way and all the while I was grasping the rail...trying to keep my balance! People were running over to help me and my mighty sister was there saying, "Deanna! Let go of the railing! I got this I am right here!" as she held out her hand. ...