An Escalator & Pride


A few months ago I stood at the bottom of this terrible thing!  I was with my YFC/YU sister and we were just spending time together...heart sharing, laughing, drinking smoothies...catching up!  I was talking of things I always wanted to do, but never have done!  For you, riding an escalator may be a normal thing, but for me in this weak body it is NOT an easy task!  I spotted it and said, "Let's do it!"  I got up from my scooter chair, put one foot on the bottom of the belt...and grabbed the railing (quickly realizing that in my world I usually grab a railing to stabilize myself,but on an escalator the railing actually MOVES...who would have thought it?!)  Well, as you can imagine my feet went one way and all the while I was grasping the rail...trying to keep my balance!  People were running over to help me and my mighty sister was there saying, "Deanna! Let go of the railing!  I got this I am right here!" as she held out her hand.  I fought it for a few minutes...then I let go, swallowed my "I can do it myself" attitude and grabbed on to her hand.  She then helped me back off and safely back into my scooter chair!

I never got to go up the escalator that day, but that day in the middle of the mall in Regina, Saskatchewan I learned some things.  It reminded me of how God is right there calling out to me (and people of the world) to let go of my pride, my "I can do it my way" attitude and just reach out to Him.  He is there...right there just like my sister was.  He is  saying, "Let go...let Me help you!"  Surrender to Me!  Stop trying to work this life out by your own plans...I want you...I want your heart!  LET GO and cling to ME," He says!

I also was struck by the picture this was to me of community and support in the FAMILY!  I sometimes think that I can do this whole following Jesus thing....I don't need anyone!!  But how opposite that is!  The whole time I was getting on the escalator my sisters voice was there saying..."Deanna, let go...I am here..I got you!" I didn't want to listen!!!!  I wanted to prove that I could do pride got the better of me though and I realized the only safe way off was to reach out for support!  I am not meant to live this life and sisters are there to help us out!  It is NOT a weakness to accept or ask for help, but actually a strength. A place of safety...and beauty to admit that you are not ok!

When we come to the end of ourselves...this is the place where God begins to move...where surrender and life-giving support happens. So whether you're at the bottom of the escalator facing a task that seems impossible or at the top in victory...know this-- that you can't do it alone!  Let go of your pride...cling to God!  Let go of your pride...ask for help/support/prayer....YOU ARE NOT ALONE!


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