If the pulpit could talk...

Not too many preachers use them anymore, but the pulpit in a church building is usually the podium behind which the pastor stands that holds his Bible and sermon notes. Many days I watched dad stand behind his and talk with all his heart about the saving message of Jesus. The place where he stood and prayed many heart felt prayers, sang songs at the top of his lungs, delivered funeral messages, performed baby dedications, etc. etc. On this Father's Day evening I sit here quiet thinking about the last 27 years of being Jerry Stearns' daughter and I am quite proud. His "job" became my life...his church became my church, his friends, became my friends...his way of loving and leading has now become a part of the way I love and lead. For four years I've been out from under my father's pulpit and home now! I miss it and yet his letting me go was the hardest best thing. I realized since being away that I had made my Daddy's calling my own. Much ...