If the pulpit could talk...

Not too many preachers use them anymore, but the pulpit in a church building is usually the podium behind which the pastor stands that holds his Bible and sermon notes. Many days I watched dad stand behind his and talk with all his heart about the saving message of Jesus.  The place where he stood and prayed many heart felt prayers, sang songs at the top of his lungs, delivered funeral messages, performed baby dedications, etc. etc.

On this Father's Day evening I sit here quiet thinking about the last 27 years of being Jerry Stearns' daughter and I am quite proud.  His "job" became my life...his church became my church, his friends, became my friends...his way of loving and leading has now become a part of the way I love and lead.  

For four years I've been out from under my father's pulpit and home now!  I miss it and yet his letting me go was the hardest best thing.  I realized since being away that I had made my Daddy's calling my own.  Much of my identity and what I was known for was wrapped up in what he did...his ministry and calling! Don't get me wrong, my goal is not to pull the "poor little pk" card. I by no means want to dishonor who my Dad is and the calling God has on him, but that's just it...it was HIS calling...HIS ministry...not mine! 

I am  learning now and am healing from these years of misplaced identity and by the grace of God walking out  my full Identity IN Christ and not just in being known as the pastor's Daughter.There is a heavenly Father whose voice is louder and more powerful than my Dad's and He wants me to be His...fully and completely! The best part in all of this is that my dad is one of my biggest cheerleaders and supporters...and I still treasure all I learn from him...it is not wasted.

So if the pulpit of  my daddy could talk, it would tell him back:

"Preacher, you've been faithful...you've taught many about Jesus, doctrines, Scripture, love and compassion.  You've been hurt, bruised, accused and still choose to stand and declare the Name that is above every name.  You've held babies, conducted weddings, baptized, funeral conducted and still you stand!  You've known disappointment, anger, stress and burn out!  The phone rings, the texts come...your mind is full and the pressure heavy! Oh dear, preacher you just got to know that the greatest sermon you'll ever tell is not the one on Sunday, not the one to the overflowing church, not the one to the grieving family or the one who is alone and filled with hurt.  The greatest sermon you've ever told was not the one you spoke just on Sunday, but the one you lived Monday to Saturday...the one you sang when you took the time to be with your kids and grandkids...the one you showed through the dates with your wife!  Oh yes, dear preacher...to be a Son of God first, then  husband, dad and Pa, then Pastor!  To  press on to live this out is and  will be the most powerful sermon.  In this time where marriage is not valued, where daddy's are gone and husbands leave...You, dear Preacher are a Father under the greatest Father...live Him well! Preach when you stand in front of me...preach still when you are not.  Know you make your heavenly Father proud and know you make your sons , daughters & grandkids proud!  Happy Father's Day  What a legacy...what glory of Jesus is seen in you, preacher!"

I love my Dad and yet my heart is posturing itself apart from him and with him to go/ grow deeper in the love of my Heavenly Dad!  This is my heart...then in both world's (physically and heavenly)  there would be nothing I'd want more than people to say of me "She's her Father's Daughter!"  

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!! 


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