
Showing posts from January, 2017

"Cry Baby!" or "Cry, Baby!"

I've always felt emotion on a deep level. Besides keeping the tissue companies in business,  I have learned/am learning that the emotion that seems to fall so quickly out of my eyes is an ok thing!  I am getting to the place in my life where I no longer want to say, "I'm sorry!" when tears start to form! It is a freeing thing for me...and yet this post will be super honest in letting you know that it hasn't been an easy process. This post is for the feelers...the messy criers...the Kleenex people! TEARS ARE GOOD!!!  Before I go on I must say that this post is not to shame the' dry eyed'  friends.  Just as much as I have learned that it is ok to cry, I know that just because someone does not show visible affects of their emotion does not mean that they do not care or feel.  In the past I think I have judged that too quickly, but  now choose to celebrate the difference in the way people process their emotions.  For me...its tears usually, but for y...