
Showing posts from February, 2017

I Want to Be Right...

Fighting to be right or laying down my rights?  Living in the uncomfortable tension  of this is so hard most days! There is that feeling in all of us (me included) that feels like we need to be prove that what we say, think or feel is right! Then I read Philippians 2 and think of Jesus! He laid aside His rights, His proving of Himself, His glories of Heaven and stepped in to a world that He didn't always agree with??!!! What?!! It blows my mind every time! He knew what to fight for and what to humble Himself in all for Peace!

When He steps in to our space...

It is part of my calling to use my voice to advocate for the broken, marginalized, left out Youth of Portage (and people in general).  I want to be Jesus to them.  I want to see the one who sits alone at the lunch table, the one who is different, the one who seems happy living for his next buzz at a party, the one who is afraid and lives in shame of showing how hurt he really is.  Yes, I want to do this...I want to be like Jesus, but how? STEP IN TO THEIR SPACE NO MATTER HOW SCARY, MESSY OR AWKWARD IT IS!  LISTEN & UNDERSTAND THEM AND CALL THEM TO KEEP GOING! (See Phil. 2:1-11) A few years ago a lady I know embodied this well.  I was at a ladies Christmas gathering and we were singing songs.  My dear friend who lead the singing asked the ladies to get up during the song and dance/do the actions as we were instructed. I sat there enjoying...or at least telling myself to enjoy watching the ladies.  The sting of my palsy -worn body bites hard in m...

When your scars tell a story. . .

This week a Youth came into my office and every time I see him I am reminded that God is moving. He is at work and there is hope in the middle of the sin-stained stories of the Youth of Portage la Prairie! Over the last few years I have watched this Youth begin his walk with Jesus, get baptized and now he is mentoring younger kids here at YFC and his church. He has hopes to be in Youth Ministry one day!   The other day I listened to him bravely share how God speaks to him about his own story being used to make an impact in God's Kingdom. On his arms are marks of his past--marks of pain where his parents’ divorce, self-hatred/self-harm and depression had come to his skin's surface.  Conversation was really honest that day.  He looked at me and said, "Sometimes I put my hand over them (the scars) and ask God to take them away! I haven't been healed of them, but every time I do this God always says the ...