When your scars tell a story. . .

This week a Youth came into my office and every time I see him I am reminded that God is moving. He is at work and there is hope in the middle of the sin-stained stories of the Youth of Portage la Prairie!
Over the last few years I have watched this Youth begin his walk with Jesus, get baptized and now he is mentoring younger kids here at YFC and his church. He has hopes to be in Youth Ministry one day!   The other day I listened to him bravely share how God speaks to him about his own story being used to make an impact in God's Kingdom.
On his arms are marks of his past--marks of pain where his parents’ divorce, self-hatred/self-harm and depression had come to his skin's surface.  Conversation was really honest that day.  He looked at me and said, "Sometimes I put my hand over them (the scars) and ask God to take them away! I haven't been healed of them, but every time I do this God always says the same thing to me.  It’s like He says that my scars are there to tell a story and bring hope to others!"

My Youth Worker/sister heart got really excited and inspired by this brave brother of mine!  He gets that the old life doesn't define you.  He gets that God uses our messy scars to bring beauty.  He gets that Jesus is Healer, Redeemer & Faithful! He gets
that Jesus can use his story to encourage and bring hope to others! These scars and these stories are why I keep going...why I keep believing Jesus for the Youth of Portage la Prairie!

What are the scars in your life that Jesus can use to tell a story...HIS story?


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