"...Have A Nice Life!"

The most beautiful and the most messy part of this crazy heart these days is that I hate...hate..hate saying goodbye. When I stepped into this transition stage of my life of closing a door and opening a new one, I knew there were going to be people that I've come to love deeply that I would have to leave. It is painful! It is another place in my heart that I don't have control over! Still with open hands I am choosing to submit to the process of pain and new things He is working in me. Before it was clear that I was leaving YFC Portage I was talking to some staff at Lunch Drop In about how much I loathe the finality of goodbyes. Each day when some of us left the doors of our work we would never say "Goodbye!" Instead we would awkwardly laugh and quote part of a famous line from the movie Elf "...Have a Nice Life!" It became our tag line of departure. 😏 Entering the hard moments of Goodbyes... This thres...