
Showing posts from August, 2018

Glimpses of Glory In The Valley.

Sitting in my little home completely grateful as I sip my tea tonight!  I raise my mug in celebration of where I've been and where I am going and know without a doubt that "Thus far the Lord has lead me..." and He will continue to. Faced my fear of Zip Lining.  I have been at camp for 3 weeks cabin leading and helping to facilitate a Leadership Development Program at ValleyView Bible Camp.   Jesus lead me to step in to this new thing, new community and new ministry and I was humbled and super blessed by it all. Camp always has had a special place in my heart and in my spiritual development and so I was grateful to be back again. Camp seems to be a real place where people see you when you're tired, frustrated and worn.  It is a place that fosters authentic community and Body of Christ living.  It is  not a perfect place but still cultivates a desire for all to see Jesus in all of His glory.  I find myself dealing with the bittersweet feels of...