Glimpses of Glory In The Valley.

Sitting in my little home completely grateful as I sip my tea tonight!  I raise my mug in celebration of where I've been and where I am going and know without a doubt that "Thus far the Lord has lead me..." and He will continue to.

Faced my fear of Zip Lining.
 I have been at camp for 3 weeks cabin leading and helping to facilitate a Leadership Development Program at ValleyView Bible Camp.   Jesus lead me to step in to this new thing, new community and new ministry and I was humbled and super blessed by it all. Camp always has had a special place in my heart and in my spiritual development and so I was grateful to be back again. Camp seems to be a real place where people see you when you're tired, frustrated and worn.  It is a place that fosters authentic community and Body of Christ living.  It is  not a perfect place but still cultivates a desire for all to see Jesus in all of His glory.  I find myself dealing with the bittersweet feels of all of this. I am content that I finished my 3 weeks and yet I find myself echoing the cry of my teenage heart that camp could last forever!  😂

Take Your Hands Off, Dee!

10 Young Leaders filled couches every day for Bible Studies and Leadership Development, laughing, singing, praying and if I was completely real there were a few moments of snoring.  They also had afternoons of intense Team Development Activities.  These TDAs were quite intense  and some lasted 3-4hrs and would bring us all to the end of ourselves physically and emotionally.  These moments for me taught me a lot as I watched these aspiring leaders 'sacrifice the bod' (aka get exhausted, hurt themselves and have moments of frustration to the point of giving up).  I as one of  their 3 leaders  had to sit there, taunt them and watch them struggle.  It was so hard!  My natural nurturer wanted to jump right in, give them water, relieve their suffering and comfort them...and I COULDN'T!!   It was like the Lord was talking to me throughout the whole thing and saying that the pain & "end of ourselves" moments show My glory take off your hands, allow them to face their pain with Me and surrender to this greater glory that I am working in you. I was praying throughout the weeks for these kids that Jesus would give them what they needed. If they needed the reassurance of His Peaceful Presence then let it be...if they needed a painful shaking in their soul that He would let it be too.  Or maybe they would need to live in the beautiful tension that knows both of those things??!! Anyway, I finally let go and let Him work how He wanted all for our good and His glory.    I trust these leaders became better followers of Jesus,  that they learned to fall in love again with the story of Jesus and His Gospel and that with open hands they follow Him and do greater things than I could ever do for His name. This is discipleship...this is leading even when it's hard..this is glory that's not always pretty, but He is definitely worth all of it and so much more....and we...we are just the cracked pots that He shines through.  This is what I saw in the Valley...and it was beautiful!


  1. Thank you for sharing Deanna. I use to be a cook and counselor at camp. Those who have had experience in camp work will realize the value of this ministry. Missionaries, too, are finding that camp work is really fruitful and are expanding their outreach in many areas. Make the best use of your time, despite all the difficulties of these days.
    Ephesians 5:15-17 You are Special!


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