Spilled Coffee & Unintentional Hurts

It was the morning of my Grandad’s Funeral. We had an hour and a half drive to get to the city where his funeral was held. My parent’s house was full of all the siblings, spouses and their kids. The grief and tension was thick in the air and I had got myself dressed and ready around all the extra bodies in the house! My big brother and his wife showed up to join our travelling convoy of family and I was dressed in my funeral attire when they arrived! I was sitting drinking my coffee all ready to take my place in a vehicle when the time came. I was TIRED! Grief as well as unexpected travel had taken its toll on me and I was not really looking forward to the hours ahead, but as I sat sipping my coffee I was pretty relaxed! I raised the mug to take a sip and just when I got close my big brother snuck up behind me grabbed my shoulder and yelled “DEAAAANNA!” really loud! I wasn’t expecting it and just like in our childhoo...