There’s Something About The Ocean...

I am always overwhelmed when I get here. I think it’s because the physical touches on what goes on in my soul, mind and body when I get here! I hear and feel His invitation again into risk—into freedom—-into moving through my fear into trust of the God who Sees beyond what I can’t see. It is where the holy invades every fiber of who I am and where I’ve been. I let go! I feel my smallness like no other place. It can be a place of fog and unclear for me. A place of learning to dance on the edge of the hard, but beautiful tensions and paradoxes of life and it becomes my “paradoxology” and I worship. At the edge of the ocean, this is the place where His glory is so big and the depths of His love is so sure—that I step in. It is a place that makes me tremble as I choose to acknowledge the Power that could take me under but gently calls me by a SURE love that pulls me in close. It is a place where you lose control, but you’re free. A place where you le...