There’s Something About The Ocean...

I am always overwhelmed when I get here. I think it’s because the physical touches on what goes on in my soul, mind and body when I get here! I hear and feel His invitation again into risk—into freedom—-into moving through my fear into trust of the God who Sees beyond what I can’t see. It is where the holy invades every fiber of who I am and where I’ve been. I let go! I feel my smallness like no other place. It can be a place of fog and unclear for me. A place of learning to dance on the edge of the hard, but beautiful tensions and paradoxes of life and it becomes my “paradoxology” and I worship.

At the edge of the ocean, this is the place where His glory is so big and the depths of His love is so sure—that I step in. It is a place that makes me tremble as I choose to acknowledge the Power that could  take me under but gently calls me  by a SURE love that pulls  me in close. It is a place where you lose control, but you’re free. A place where you learn to let go and trust. A place of great grief over what was that will never be again and also a place of great joy as you are called to something new. A place where His voice can be thunderous as the sound of many waters and also can be heard in the faint whisper of a still small voice. It is a place where feet will fail. Here we can start out on a voyage from the same place yet each one will be called to his or her own course of dealing with wind, storms and waves. It is a place of relinquishment and breathing. It is a place of being still and remembering who He is and who you are. It is a place of hope and knowing there is more. And then sometimes it  just is what it is—a place of childlike play of sandcastles,

swimming and suntan. I sing here, walk here and laugh here. I leave it and I miss it, but even when my walk takes me to places that are different in their beauty, I always recall the God who meets me here and the things of His heart that my life is formed by. This is the ocean...there’s just something about it...there’s something about Him here that I think He wanted us to know. 

🎵🎵“Could we with ink the ocean fill? And were skies of parchment made were every stalk on a earth a quill and every man a scribe by trade.    To write the love of God above would drain the ocean dry nor could the scroll contain the whole though stretched from sky to sky.  O Love of God how rich and pure!  How measureless and strong!  It shall forevermore endure the saints' and angels' song..."🎵🎵

 "Build me straight, O Mighty Master!

Staunch and Strong, A Goodly Vessel,

That Shalt Laugh At All Disaster

And with Wave and Whirlwind Wrestle!"


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