
Showing posts from October, 2019

"Storms Never Last Do They, Baby?"

I am a little embarrassed to admit that the title of this post is actually from an old Waylon Jennings country song, but just bear with me!! I'm not as cool as you think I am and after this post I am prepared for the "Country is Lame" bullying and looks of disgust later 😉 (**AWKWARD LAUGHTER**) . This song was introduced to me as I visited my Dad this past summer.  It's mine and Dad's thing!  He relaxes in the evening by showing me old songs and stories of singers/bands that bring back memories for him.  I get to know my Dad and connect to him through the sounds of his good ol' days. Sometimes I roll my eyes, but most times I just love being with dad and truthfully the songs usually find their way to my playlist in a perfect blend of the old and new songs that I enjoy...and remind me of times with Dad. Memory of this song came to me this last weekend as we waited through  a crazy, early winter storm!  It was bizarre and affected people's lives ...