LOVED. SEEN. KNOWN. HEALED. These words have become very important to me. They are words that come to me in prayer often when I sit before God. My prayer life no longer is a one-way conversation where I only examine my heart before God, but it also is a conversation where I imagine how He feels about my coming to Him. He loves it when I come. He sees me when I come and there's now a deep familiarity between us where we can be with each other with or without using words. The simple invitation is just to "Come!"Don't get me wrong some days there is too much talking, there is the shadowy, sinful awareness of myself that can keep me from coming. Yes, He wants us to see and know what is true of ourselves, but in recent days it has been more simple. I just "Come" and hold my heart in all of it's good and bad before Him--the God Who Sees, Loves & Knows. Why is this important to me? I think because for most of my days I wanted this s...