Our Body?

Body shame and insecurity is so real! So today I’ll share with you a piece of how wholeness is happening here for me! It is going to be a different story for your body as you are invited by God to notice Him there and that’s okay. Here’s some thoughts that have been stirring in me as God invades and transforms every part of who I am... Our Body? My writer friend the apostle Paul said that he always carried the death of Christ in his body so that the life of Christ could be revealed. To carry in your physical body the fullness of the Gospel means accepting the fact that physical pain, sickness and suffering and limits and the heavy weight are sometimes part of being a “little Christ” and all I can do sometimes is “suffer with”—to sit, pray and shed tears because of “long night” you and I experience and ask “How long, Lord?” There is a closeness to the heart of God here in the pain as much as in the resurrection power. I also am recogniz...