Through the Roof

Friends, Covid-19 restrictions are lifting and I have temporarily moved in with a lovely,  single, fun, sacrificial lady as I continue my hunt for renting a space of my own.  From my table at Tim Horton's sipping a drink and making use of their free wifi I popped on a few sites to look at rental spaces...AGAIN!  This process has been so long and hard and even as I sit here it hasn't changed.  

The Gospel story of the lame man on a stretcher whose friends cut a hole in the roof to get him in front of Jesus comes to mind today.  The last 3 months I lived in a home that showed me what it means to have allies like these friends. They installed railings, let me take up space parking my scooter in their garage, shared their food, farm and family father's day celebrations with me.  They prayed for me, sang with me & laughed at all my idiosyncrasies.  They drove me places and trusted me with some of their most treasured things and stories.  It wasn't all dreamy's super hard living and communicating well with people and then sometimes you realize you must depart.  Still there's grace and forgiveness and a true honesty as you risk vulnerablity and choose love. This farm couple (and their kids, grandkids & in-laws) often brought me to the face of Jesus and they crafted space and helped me with some very deep needs.  They didn't fix my struggle, but did everything they could do to help bring me to the One who holds the power to heal, help and find home. I am grateful...even in the change and goodbye of another home.

Ughh...but back to my rental ads.  I recognize we live in a world that is very much made for a fully able-bodied person.  I have been reading some stuff on ableism in our world and to be honest I dislike it.  Still I see little ways from the seat of my scooter chair and crutch dance that punch me in my shame gut every time.

 I want and wish that when you see us you would ask yourself "what is the best way to help?" I wish, dear home owners, that when you advertise your rentals that you put pictures of entrances and be very clear on it's accessiblity. Oh and be super kind when you have to say No when it is not accessible.  I also understand now that I can ask...and am worth asking for what I need, but it still would be very, very helpful if you be mindful of these little things. I live in your world and am so used to adapting, but I wonder what the world would look like if we, like these friends in Jesus' day did everything in their power for everyone to find home and be welcome?  I wonder if "your world" became "our world" and we could work through these shameful stresses together?  Let us always, always remember that even though a physical place to find home is legit...what we ALL really need to know is that Home is a PERSON...and living in His heart is home. 


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