3 Homes+1 Year=4ever Lessons

Since last September I have lived in three homes in three very different home structures. It’s been a hard year personally and globally. Here are some things I am learning...some are still in process and some are easy to laugh at. Read on...and message if you have any of your own tips and funny things about living and leading with people! You learn that their way isn’t wrong...and you aren’t always right. If you put the yogurt on the beverage shelf in the fridge...is it really that big of deal to move it their way?! Or even if you have a different view on a thing can you discuss and find a way to be kind in the end?! You learn to sometimes give up your preferences for the other...and then at other times own what you need and how you like things. Seriously, Do NOT put sugar in my tea. You learn that anger and annoyances must be talked about even when it’s hard. Just talk about it for realzies because if you don’t you will shut down or yell loud and resent the other. Al...