"Hello, Darkness My Old Friend..."

This is more than just a lyric of an old Simon and Garfunkel tune. As I look at it a bit deeper these days, I am reminded through times of prayer, various books and through my monthly Spiritual Direction hour that part of being an authentic leader, person and follower of Christ means that I have to be honest with myself in recognizing the vices, sins and Pharisaical persona that is in my soul. In these days of COVID it has been easy for me at points to just distract myself, power through and overcome instead of sitting still to notice what is really going on in me. This year has me being a more vocal presence in church gatherings and group settings and classes. I even have friendships that are growing into honest confession and real vulnerability. It's wonderful and hard and a joy! I still however find solitude and silence to be the BEST place where I am still enough to let my soul come out and look at myself honestly. In...