Greenhouses & Invitations of Love

I’ve been in many places in the last 10 years that were like spiritual greenhouses for my soul. My years of youth work, leadership development programs, prayers of discernment gatherings, spiritual formation learning, health crisies and getting comfortable with my own story were all parts of the planting and forming strong roots of who I am today in God. Spring and summer move some of us into going to greenhouses. I have a love for them that is mostly about the aesthetics and smells of them after the work is done. It’s so good! I forget often about the work "behind the scenes" or “under the soil” that is quite literally what keeps the beauty alive and forms resilience in plants. My Sister in law's family runs and owns their own (Look up Gray's Greenhouses if ever you're in my area) This summer again I was intrigued by the process of growth that we don't see. I've even got a few low maintenance house plants this year to care for. The long ...