If There Was No Visit…

If there was no visit Then all the waiting would’ve been in vain. If there was no visit then Mary would have just been an ordinary girl not chosen or highly favoured. If there was no visit Joseph would have divorced and kept his reputation. If there was no visit Elizabeth’s baby wouldn’t have leapt for joy. If God hadn’t visited wisemen would still be searching, poor Shepherd’s would not have carried such Good News and there would no peace, no hope no —faith no salvation for the world. If there was no visit Abraham would’ve stayed and Isaac would’ve been sacrificed. Jacob would not have dreamed and Moses would not have lead. Elijah would’ve stayed under the broom tree and David would not have been strengthened before Goliath. Solomon would lack wisdom and Deborah would be just a woman under a tree. Esther would not have lead her nation to protection and Rahab would never see the power of the scarlet cord. If there were no visit...