If There Was No Visit…

 If there was no visit

Then all the waiting would’ve been in vain.

If there was no visit 

then Mary would have just been an ordinary girl not chosen or highly favoured. 

If there was no visit 

Joseph would have divorced and kept his reputation.

 If there was no visit 

Elizabeth’s baby wouldn’t have leapt for joy. 

If God hadn’t visited wisemen would still be searching, poor Shepherd’s would not have carried such Good News and there would no peace, no hope no —faith no salvation for the world.


If there was no visit 

Abraham would’ve stayed and Isaac would’ve been sacrificed. Jacob would not have dreamed and Moses would not have lead. Elijah would’ve stayed under the broom tree and David would not have been strengthened before Goliath. Solomon would lack wisdom and Deborah would be just a woman under a tree. Esther would not have lead her nation to protection and Rahab would never see the power of the scarlet cord.

If there were no visit 

many would be still bound, broken and sick. If Jesus didn’t visit Mary’s perfume would seem cheap, Zaccheus would have not have seen. The blind man’s ask would have been rejected and children would not be welcomed.

If there was no visit 

the men wouldn’t have hearts that burned within them. The upper room would just be a room full of people instead of a room full of Spirit. If there was no visit Saul would have never been changed into Paul. Peter would’ve maybe wouldn’t have preached another sermon after denial and Lazarus would’ve remained in the death clothes.

If there is no visit 

Love grows cold and dies. If there is no visit

 then all the traditions and ways we move won’t matter and we stay the same. Today if there is no visit then it will be another empty season, another mundane sermon another day —another year of no movement—of not being aware of God and what He’s doing in our lives and the world.

 when there is room for a visit then hearts of stone are made flesh, confession and forgiveness is normal language.  Anger at injustice and violence in our world can take us into peace of knowing that our God is an Avenger—-He is a just King who will make all things right again and weep with us in the middle of it. When there is a visit lonely hearts are suddenly eased. When Jesus is the heartbeat—the Visitor, Church gatherings will bring joy to our weary and longing souls. When there is a visit from God — we breathe in life, fire will be in our bones and our needs will find provision. Yes, All  will be well and point to the day when all will be made new. 

This is the vision—the visitation! 

Oh help us never forget this visitation of God among us, terrifying and beautiful and the way He meant it to be—-for He Himself will be our dwelling place and be with us and will be the just and reigning King and the Humble God as a baby Son too.

And so we the Spirit and the Bride pray—Visit us. Come!


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