
Showing posts from April, 2012

So Long Dear Friends!!

We (God & I) have come to the point in this incredible journey where there is  a set date as to when I am leaving for Portage La Prairie to join YFC.  On Thursday, May 3rd I fly out of Halifax!!  It is here...I am scared, nervous, excited for all that is to come, but KNOW that I am not God, my Constant, my Rock, my Daddy God will hold me & be with me!  Thank you all for your prayers & keep praying!!!  Here is a song that is kind of become my song of the matter where I go I am in HIS arms.

Blood Clinics, Leg Braces, & A Girl in a Wheelchair

God uses strange things sometimes to bring me where I need to be.  This past week has been crazy with finding out that things are coming together for moving & flying plus all the other things that I have to do before I go.  Sometimes I get so focused on MY schedule, MY time, MY life that I forget to stop and just breathe and say "Thanks God"  It is during these moments that God uses things to get my attention.  Here are some of those things this week:   This week had to have a routine blood test!  How exciting, right?  I walked in took my number & sat down.  I began to hear the impatient complaints of the people around me...."Man, I've been here for a half hour and my number still hasn't been called!  There is NEVER a good time to come to this place, " I heard another lady say as she left.  I sat there wanting to join in...I had things to do, Dad was waiting for me, I just wanted it done & over with!!  Then God brought ...


So earlier today I blogged a prayer request for you all to pray about me getting accepted to live in an accessible apartment in Portage....well I got a phone call this afternoon that I am accepted!!!!  GOD IS SO GOOD & THANKS FOR YOUR PRAYERS!!!  I AM BLESSED & OVERWHELMED.....Dancing on the inside :)


Hey brothers & sisters, I need you to pray about a housing option that has come up for me in Portage La Prairie!  I have applied to live in an apartment that is accessible &  is at a very close distance to the YFC  mission/drop-in where I'll be working.  I have yet to hear back from them, but would like you all to pray that this would work out & if not that God would give me patience & willingness to follow His best for me!  Thanks for the prayers & keep 'em coming!! Matthew 6:8 "Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him."

Two crutches, one Jesus-consumed girl, YFC Portage & a Big GOD!/March Prayer Letter

 If you haven't received my latest newsletter....Here it is :) My dear friends & family, March 2012 I am so incredibly grateful for all of you & how God has been using you to be a part of what He is doing in my life. Yes, God is using you! I could not do this without your prayers, encouragement & financial support! There have been days throughout this waiting/fund-raising process that I wake up & say, “What am I doing...why am I even doing this?” It is those days that God in His goodness uses your prayers, encouraging notes, words & support to get me through. Many of you have been asking/ wondering what I have been up to and how things are going so here's what's been happening. “ Heart Sharing” in the Moncton Area On Sunday, February 5 I had the privilege of singing & sharing about my adventure with YFC at two churches in the Moncton, NB area. Middlesex Baptist Church is where I was for the morning service & it was so...

"That's My King!"

Today is Good Friday & I got goose bumps as watched this video again!!!  Jesus is my Savior & you know Him?