Blood Clinics, Leg Braces, & A Girl in a Wheelchair

God uses strange things sometimes to bring me where I need to be.  This past week has been crazy with finding out that things are coming together for moving & flying plus all the other things that I have to do before I go.  Sometimes I get so focused on MY schedule, MY time, MY life that I forget to stop and just breathe and say "Thanks God"  It is during these moments that God uses things to get my attention.  Here are some of those things this week:
  This week had to have a routine blood test!  How exciting, right?  I walked in took my number & sat down.  I began to hear the impatient complaints of the people around me...."Man, I've been here for a half hour and my number still hasn't been called!  There is NEVER a good time to come to this place, " I heard another lady say as she left.  I sat there wanting to join in...I had things to do, Dad was waiting for me, I just wanted it done & over with!!  Then God brought a thought to my heart...There are people in countries that would walk days & days to see/wait to see a doctor & have blood tests (if they even have a clinic)...& here I am COMPLAINING.....Oh how the words "BE THANKFUL" were whispered to my heart this day on my visit to the blood clinic.

Then the next day I had an appointment in Halifax to have a fitting/follow-up for my new left leg brace!!  Although this brace is kinda cool with its blue snake print design, me & leg braces have always had a love/hate relationship....I love that they help me, but hate wearing them!  So I definitely was not looking forward to having one again or going to this appointment!  Again, I felt it was a waste of time & inwardly complained about having to wear this brace.  I went through the appointment ok & went back to the car waited for my Dad (who went for a walk during my appointment).  I sat there waiting & across the parking lot there was a teen girl who was struggling with her weak body & her dad to be lifted out of the car & into her wheelchair.  I looked at her and again the thought came to my heart "BE THANKFUL"  Tears came to my eyes as I thought of how I had been complaining about my brace--it seemed like nothing in comparison to what she had to deal with!  Yeah, I may have to wear a brace, but I can still move & get out of a car ok!!

These were the things that God used to get my attention this week & though they seem ordinary & not exciting I still love that my God continues to show up in the midst of the ordinary tasks of life to gently nudge me when I need it!!  I love how God can teach me through blood clinics, leg braces & a girl in a wheelchair!

What are YOU thanking Jesus for?


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