Two crutches, one Jesus-consumed girl, YFC Portage & a Big GOD!/March Prayer Letter

 If you haven't received my latest newsletter....Here it is :)

My dear friends & family, March 2012

I am so incredibly grateful for all of you & how God has been using you to be a part of what He is doing in my life. Yes, God is using you! I could not do this without your prayers, encouragement & financial support! There have been days throughout this waiting/fund-raising process that I wake up & say, “What am I doing...why am I even doing this?” It is those days that God in His goodness uses your prayers, encouraging notes, words & support to get me through. Many of you have been asking/ wondering what I have been up to and how things are going so here's what's been happening.

  • Heart Sharing” in the Moncton Area
    On Sunday, February 5 I had the privilege of singing & sharing about my adventure with YFC at two churches in the Moncton, NB area. Middlesex Baptist Church is where I was for the morning service & it was so great to meet people there who have been praying & supporting me. They were so welcoming & encouraging! Then I went in the evening to Bethel Baptist Church to share & sing as well. It was so special to be there again as this was the place where it all started—I came to know Jesus as my Savior there when I was five! There were a lot of tears, & overwhelming moments of thanks to God as I stood before many people who have prayed & poured into my life over the years. It was a good day....and though speaking is not my favorite thing to do, I was blessed to stand before these churches and give God the glory for writing this story.

  • A visit with the Ritskes'
    Jim & Tamara Ritskes (Executive Director of YFC Portage & Wife)flew here the last weekend of February. It was their first trip this far east & so they toured around & got to see the sites, but most of all they shared from their hearts about YFC & my role with them. We had some time to talk & work out details too!! Talking in person is way better than email or phone! I have grown to appreciate & respect both Jim & Tamara for their genuine love for Jesus and others... & I can't wait to work with them & YFC!
God definitely knew what He was doing when He brought us all together.

  • Commissioning Service at Maranatha Bible Church
    My Church family also had a special commissioning service for me the Sunday evening that the Ritskes' were here. It was quite special & emotional as I got to share where God is leading me, special songs were sung, pictures of my life were shown, & my Pastor/Dad & Jim Ritskes prayed over & for me. They ( my church family) were letting me go in God's hands. Even though it is tough to let go for me & them, I am ready to go & will bring them with me through their prayers & support.
  • Connecting with Supporters
I will be trying to connect with my supporters over the next few weeks to say thank you & to ask them to keep praying. My monthly support is still low, but I am trusting God that He will work to have me in Portage by April. Will you consider joining with me in this, if you haven't already?

Please Pray for:
  • Monthly Support to be raised—people would give, pray & be in on what God's doing
  • Options for housing—that God would work out details and we would follow His plan
  • God would work in hearts of the girls I'll be working with even now.

    Waiting In His Time,

    Deanna Stearns


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