Partying, Sex & Drugs!
Some of you may be shocked at this blog title & asking yourself ,"Why would Dee use this as her blog title?" Well, let me tell you...partying, sex & drugs was the answer that I got from the youth here when I asked them what there was to do for fun in Portage! At first I was kind of surprised/shocked, but then I realized that it is so real not just here in Portage, but everywhere!! Today's Youth are looking for value & fulfillment in partying it up, sleeping with a guy or girl & the high that comes from smoking weed!! So now the challenge do I let them see that these "thrills" are just temporary? How do I let them see that they are valued & precious to God & were created for a purpose? Pray for me that I will be able to help them see that Jesus is all they need...& please talk & be real with the Youth where you are....they need the love of Jesus to be poured into them!