Just Me & God!

Ok so I am officially from Portage la Prairie, Manitoba!!!  Woot, Woot!!  These last few days have been crazy...I have met a lot of new people, moved in to my new apartment, learned(am learning) to drive (or crash) my new scooter & I have moved to a new city!  There have been many sweet moments with me & God---many tears, many cries for help & patience as I learn to deal with this new transition in my life.  You see, I am a girl who likes to be comfortable, who has trouble with change, who fears being rejected when meeting new people, & who never is far from her friends & family....BUT GOD is changing me!!!  I am totally out of my comfort zone, am meeting tons of new people & moved across Canada....Oh yes, God is changing me! And though these days have been difficult...I would not change anything!!!  It's just me & God taking one day at a time :)


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