Partying, Sex & Drugs!

Some of you may be shocked at this blog title & asking yourself ,"Why would Dee use this as her blog title?"  Well, let me tell you...partying, sex & drugs was the answer that I got from the youth here when I asked them what there was to do for fun in Portage!  At first I was kind of  surprised/shocked, but then I realized that it is so real not just here in Portage, but everywhere!!  Today's Youth are looking for value & fulfillment in partying it up, sleeping with a guy or girl & the high that comes from smoking weed!!  So now the challenge do I let them see that these "thrills" are just temporary?  How do I let them see that they are valued & precious to God & were created for a purpose?  Pray for me that I will be able to help them see that Jesus is all they need...& please talk & be real with the Youth where you are....they need the love of Jesus to be poured into them!


  1. That is so true Deanna. The youth all over the world are wondering where they can get their "fix". They get their temporary fix from the worldly things but they do not see that those things fade away.

  2. This is definitely the reality we're living in today! So difficult, praying for your ministry Deanna! It's not easy, I know in my own youth group alot of our kids get their thrills in these ways, but I also had a grade 12 student accept Christ as her Savior last week! <3


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