
Showing posts from August, 2012

Crusty Lasanga & Making Disciples

Making  disciples is not an easy process.  It is trying.  It is  messy.  It is slow, tedious, even painful at times.  It is  all these things because it is relational.  Jesus has not  given us an effortless step-by-step formula for  impacting nations for his glory.  He has given us  people, and he has said, “Live for them.  Love them,  serve them, and lead them.  Lead them to follow me,  and lead them to lead others to follow me.  In the  process you will multiply the gospel to the ends of the  earth."  David Platt from his book   Radical I found the above quote "creeping" facebook last night & BAM! it hit me.  The last week has been filled with moments where I keep asking myself is what I am doing really making a difference?  In my week of  crusty lasangas (prepared for a Girl's Night),  people not showing up, getting tired & things not happen...

Thankful for Jim, Art, Steve, Jon, Josh, Andrew & Tammy

It is the middle of August already! Soon the days of heat, beaches, shorts, BBQ's and no school will be over!  Sad I know, & even after being out of school for this long I still get that sick, "It's over" kind of a feeling when I walk into a store or see in a flyer the big bold letters "BACK TO SCHOOL"! Still, after these lazy, hazy, days of summer and in the busyness of all the summer activity I am thankful that my mission here is not over!  This is just the beginning & already there have been days when I think, "Really God??  Are You sure You picked the right girl for this job?"  & He reminds me "This is not about YOU, Dee...It is about ME working out MY plan...Don't grow weary...just do all I've asked you to do. If I can use a stone to kill a giant I can use a weak, timid, disabled girl to fight off (through MY power) the "giants" that come to taunt the Youth in Portage." On those days too, when I feel t...