Thankful for Jim, Art, Steve, Jon, Josh, Andrew & Tammy

It is the middle of August already! Soon the days of heat, beaches, shorts, BBQ's and no school will be over!  Sad I know, & even after being out of school for this long I still get that sick, "It's over" kind of a feeling when I walk into a store or see in a flyer the big bold letters "BACK TO SCHOOL"! Still, after these lazy, hazy, days of summer and in the busyness of all the summer activity I am thankful that my mission here is not over!  This is just the beginning & already there have been days when I think, "Really God??  Are You sure You picked the right girl for this job?"  & He reminds me "This is not about YOU, Dee...It is about ME working out MY plan...Don't grow weary...just do all I've asked you to do. If I can use a stone to kill a giant I can use a weak, timid, disabled girl to fight off (through MY power) the "giants" that come to taunt the Youth in Portage."

On those days too, when I feel tired and unable, God uses the team here at YFC to strengthen & bring joy to my heart.  He has put us together this summer...all with our unique, crazy gifts & abilities/personalities to serve Him.  We encourage, motivate , pray for & laugh lots & so with the summer staff leaving soon I thought I'd introduce you all to them because they are awesome & a huge part of getting me through these beginning stages at YFC.
Jim  is the executive director of YFC Portage.  He & his family have been a huge support in this whole journey.  He is never too busy to chat, listen, teach me a 3-point turn or come up with a crutch-holder for my scooter or drive me around to do errands.  He also leads us with a HUGE focus on prayer & just encouraging us to take time to listen to God. I respect this man a lot...he has so much wisdom. So thankful for him!
Art is in charge of the summer programs, sports jam, & supper club.  He has so much energy & can run circles around us all.  I appreciate his heart for the Youth and many days I walk in & he is there already in his office being a listening ear & lovin' on the kids.  He is a man who a lot of the Teens trust and look up to!  He speaks truth boldly to these kids & has been faithful for so many years here!  So thankful for Him!
Steve is a man of God who uses skateboarding as his "hook" to connect with the kid's here in Portage.  He loves God & his family.  God has used him here too during our lunch drop-ins, and he also works with some college aged guys--mentoring & connecting with them!  Pray for Steve & his family as they seek to start a skate ministry in Costa Rica for 10 months with Youth for Christ!  He is a leader for sure & has a heart to serve. So Thankful for him!
Jon has a heart for youth here & connects through our evening drop-ins,  supper club, going fishin', remote control cars & any other way he can.  This guy has a boldness & a courage to share the gospel with teens over lunch, pool, cards, yahtzee or just hanging out! He works tirelessly for the Youth here in Portage as he also leads his church Youth Group. He is a big guy with a big heart to serve! I am thankful for him.
Josh is one of our summer staff & attends Briercrest Bible College.  He has a huge passion for God, even more than hockey.  He has connected with the skate guys & has a gift for just speaking out unashamedly the gospel in conversations. God's gonna do something with him! I have appreciated his' realness' and his love & hunger for God's Word!  So thankful for him.
Andrew is here for his 2nd summer at YFC as summer staff and goes to Steinbach Bible College.  He leads, organizes & is flexible in planning events.  He loves God & shows a lot of wisdom & desire to learn more & then to teach others.  He makes me laugh & is always so great at bringing us freshly baked muffins that he cooked himself.   He is a dude who God's got some huge plans for I just know it!  So thankful for him!
Tammy is here for the summer too & many times I have told her that she has made this whole moving-to new city thing/new job thing a whole lot easier.  This summer we (the two girls on staff) have not only shared an office, but Peanut Butter,  lots of laughs, conversations & our struggles.  She has taken the time to understand what living life in 'Deanna's world' is like & always gives me something to smile about everyday!  She loves God & loves others &  no matter how busy she is--there is always time to drive someone home or make me coffee, help me carry something or even put on my shoes !  I know that God's got something fantastic for this beautiful girl especially as she begins her new adventure being Mrs. Derek Friesen soon!  I am so thankful for her!

God, Thank YOU for this YFC team---different, crazy yet all ONE in reaching Portage Youth for YOU this summer


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