
Showing posts from March, 2013

The girl who washed my crippled feet

Ten months ago I met her & I could see her beauty right then.  A high school student with blonde hair and a joy and gentle, quiet spirit that I have come to love in her.  Every week, every time I see her she runs and gives a hug to this crazy, Nova Scotian, handicapped girl.  I squeeze her & I think, "God, she doesn't even know how much she has blessed ME!" Her heart to learn & grow deeper with Jesus is amazing, her drive to do her best in everything--from school to her job. And then about a month ago her heart became even more real to me...  We were studying the Book of John and I was sitting there watching a HUGE act of love & humility that Jesus shows us in Scripture (John 13)--the washing of feet.  Completely overwhelmed by this beautiful picture as I watched the older women & the younger women around me...having no clue as to what God had for me next! This beauty of a girl grabbed the basin of water and  the towel looked into my ...

When I Look into your eyes... I see beauty beneath the scars

This week I have looked into the faces of a few girls who from the outside look like they have it all together. Under the mascara, under those beautiful faces, under the long pants & long sleeved shirts/sweaters that they wear all the time are the scars.  Scars of taking a razor blade, or knife or other sharp things & releasing the pain. The pain that has them thinking they are useless, they are stupid, they are nothing! Thoughts of suicide, depression,  being angry at God & the people who have hurt them haunt them. And in hearing this my heart breaks, I breath & whisper in my spirit "God, help her! I give her to You--the One who can turn these scars into marks of beauty!" Then I look her straight in the eyes & say, You are NOT Nothing, You are NOT useless! You are NOT alone in this! God sees you, He hasn't forgotten you...and yeah life sucks sometimes, but you can't let it get you down! God & I will be here to fight this with you! Then I pray ...

Sticks & Stones...

Watched this Video again tonight & thinking of the many Youth that I see that struggle with people speaking to them words of hurt...that cut them down...that suck life right out of their hearts & faces.  Words DO hurt! Don't listen to lies... "they are wrong! Listen to TRUTH!  God created YOU...YOU are Beautiful & Do Have purpose!  Use your words wisely my friends especially in joking & sarcasm!  Your words can speak death or life!