The girl who washed my crippled feet
Ten months ago I met her & I could see her beauty right then. A high school student with blonde hair and a joy and gentle, quiet spirit that I have come to love in her. Every week, every time I see her she runs and gives a hug to this crazy, Nova Scotian, handicapped girl. I squeeze her & I think, "God, she doesn't even know how much she has blessed ME!" Her heart to learn & grow deeper with Jesus is amazing, her drive to do her best in everything--from school to her job. And then about a month ago her heart became even more real to me... We were studying the Book of John and I was sitting there watching a HUGE act of love & humility that Jesus shows us in Scripture (John 13)--the washing of feet. Completely overwhelmed by this beautiful picture as I watched the older women & the younger women around me...having no clue as to what God had for me next! This beauty of a girl grabbed the basin of water and the towel looked into my ...