When I Look into your eyes... I see beauty beneath the scars

This week I have looked into the faces of a few girls who from the outside look like they have it all together. Under the mascara, under those beautiful faces, under the long pants & long sleeved shirts/sweaters that they wear all the time are the scars.  Scars of taking a razor blade, or knife or other sharp things & releasing the pain. The pain that has them thinking they are useless, they are stupid, they are nothing! Thoughts of suicide, depression,  being angry at God & the people who have hurt them haunt them. And in hearing this my heart breaks, I breath & whisper in my spirit "God, help her! I give her to You--the One who can turn these scars into marks of beauty!" Then I look her straight in the eyes & say, You are NOT Nothing, You are NOT useless! You are NOT alone in this! God sees you, He hasn't forgotten you...and yeah life sucks sometimes, but you can't let it get you down! God & I will be here to fight this with you! Then I pray with tears in my heart for God to work & thank Him that they were strong enough to talk about this--to let the wall down & take their "I'm ok" mask off. Pray with me dear blog readers for relationships to grow & Jesus to come & fill these moments so they'll want Him.
After looking into the eyes of broken, messed up kids here in Portage I am convinced that they are more than just "troubled teens" they are my friends....my girls...the ones I stand up for, the ones I kneel in prayer for, the ones I cry for, the ones I see potential in!  So I look into her eyes & I see beauty & hope...if only she would see that! And for you, sweet broken girl,  I  will be a voice for you, I will fight with you & for you...I will no longer be silent...I will rip those suicidal notes up, trash the razor blades & take you to the One who can heal, bring freedom & bring beauty that goes deeper than just what I see in your eyes--if only you will let it!


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