
Showing posts from May, 2013

Mirror, Mirror on the my hair or my heart the fairest one of all?

STRAIGHT HAIR LOOK CURLY HAIR Yesterday I finally did it...I got my hair cut after almost 2 years!  I know...big deal, right? After checking my hair in the mirror for (or any other pane of glass) for the thousandth time today I realized how vain I really can be.  I wonder how many compliments I will get...I wonder who will notice...I love my new hair...ach, these selfish thoughts crowd my mind when really I should be more concerned about the girl who walks in to my life today depressed about her relationship or how I could be preparing for my upcoming course, but NO I have to be all like "Mirror, Mirror on the wall...who's the fairest one of all? I almost feel guilty for posting the above pictures & yet I want this blog to be real.  I want you to know dear reader that I struggle with feeling beautiful...I want people to notice me....I want to know that I am valued. I complain about my "stove pipe" legs, my acne worn skin & the gap in my teeth! Then ...

Chaotic Peace... Heart Words & disordered pics of my 1st year!
