Mirror, Mirror on the Wall...is my hair or my heart the fairest one of all?


Yesterday I finally did it...I got my hair cut after almost 2 years!  I know...big deal, right? After checking my hair in the mirror for (or any other pane of glass) for the thousandth time today I realized how vain I really can be.  I wonder how many compliments I will get...I wonder who will notice...I love my new hair...ach, these selfish thoughts crowd my mind when really I should be more concerned about the girl who walks in to my life today depressed about her relationship or how I could be preparing for my upcoming course, but NO I have to be all like "Mirror, Mirror on the wall...who's the fairest one of all? I almost feel guilty for posting the above pictures & yet I want this blog to be real.  I want you to know dear reader that I struggle with feeling beautiful...I want people to notice me....I want to know that I am valued. I complain about my "stove pipe" legs, my acne worn skin & the gap in my teeth! Then a Word spoken deep into my heart is brought to the surface, "Charm is deceitful and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord she will be praised." I want to be praised not for my hair...but for my heart that lives in the fear of God.  A heart that cares more about whether her life matches up to the mirror of the WORD rather than the mirror on the wall. Still there are so many times when I live for the beauty that fades...I live for self...vanity....things that don't matter & yet my heart cries out for more of the beauty of the heart...more beauty of Jesus.  This is the beauty that will last when wrinkles come, when the hair turns gray or falls out! I want people to see Him in me, smell Him on, me hear Him in my words and point to Him in my life.  Remind me of this, Jesus when I have these days of vanity!  
"They looked to Him and were Radiant..." Ps. 34:5


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