What do you see, Dee?
Recently I was asked to share at our annual Fundraising Banquet and a mission conference at my home church! Here is what God gave me to share late one night! He is showing me His heart even in waiting seasons:
2 Corinthians 5:7 says “For we walk by faith
not by sight…”
This year
with YFC Portage has been one of the most challenging, hardest, best years for
me. I have grown so much in my ministry,
but also personally. I wish I could stand up here and tell you how many souls
have turned to Jesus, how many students are free of their addictions and how
many families are restored because of our efforts and ministry at YFC, but that
would not be a REAL telling of what the year has been like. It would be FAKE and if you all are like my
teens…you know fake!
Over and
over again when the Drop In is closed, my small groups are over and I make the
chilly scooter ride from PCI visits, there is always a question that pops into
my heart. It’s as if Jesus says right to me, “Do you see what I see, Dee?” The
eyes of Jesus look past the surface and see the heart…not the bad behavior, the
addiction or the constant need for attention, but the heart! Jesus came to
change the human heart and out of that change we will see change on the
So for the
next few minutes pretend there is a girl that comes to YFC Drop In standing up
here reading a letter she has wrote to you, the friends of YFC Portage! It is not one youths story in particular, but rather a collection of stories we hear daily!
Her story is REAL and is what I hear on a daily basis from the Youth that walk in our doors:
Her story is REAL and is what I hear on a daily basis from the Youth that walk in our doors:
Dear Friends of YFC Portage,
You don’t know me, but I am 15 years old! I go to the Factory
for lunch, Supper Club, drop ins and also for Girl’s Group…pretty much
EVERYTIME the door is open. Why do I
go? Well, it could be the fresh “Little
C’s” pizza, the free Wifi or the odd pool game, but that’s not it! I mean those are all good things but it is
not the only reason I come! I come
because it is more of a home to me than anywhere else. My ‘family’ is not really a ‘family’ at
all. My Dad left and my Mom she never
talks or really even listens to me, not to mention the new boyfriend she brings
home every month or so. And
school??...that place fills me with anxiety!
I know there are teachers who care, but I think I’ve just given up! I constantly get bullied and rumored
about. How do I deal with this? I stuff it…carry it with me and sometimes I
get so depressed I find a blade and cut up my arms, legs wherever so I can
release it all! Still though, after I
come down from that high…my pain is there!
I make my way to the Factory and walk in the door and am
celebrated by the staff and volunteers.
Big Jon, he takes the time to listen, Reynold and Tyson will play me in
a game of pool and they all keep talking about Jesus! Deanna even tells me in small group that
Jesus’ blood shed for me on the cross was enough so I don’t have to bleed out
pain. She says I am not alone and gives
me hope when I can’t see it for myself.
I haven’t really bought in to this Jesus guy yet, but I am a lot closer
to believing this than I was before. I am not ready to give myself to Jesus
yet. So Pray for me…I know that Dee, Tyson, Reynold Jon and all our volunteers
won’t give up on me and they say Jesus won’t either!
Thank you people of Portage for giving, praying and loving YFC
so Jesus can become real to me &
other youth in our city!
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