A squirmy kid...

My life (in ministry & personally) for the last year has been a season of waiting, longing and being! A season of learning how to abide...how to end the striving...how to rest and take a "hands off" approach to things. It has been about not trying to control...fix or come up with an intervention, but just to let God be God! It has a been a beautiful thing...a hard process thing and a' grace-breathing in' thing. I have always been a driven girl...finding worth and value in what I do. But what happens when all I am doing feels dry, result-less and changeless? What happens when your weak body will not let you DO more? I have hit days where I have been so exhausted from trying to keep up to all the busy that I have not been healthy physically, spiritually, and emotionally. I then had to admit to myself, my team, and most of all to my Jesus that I was NOT ok! Then t...