Just Ask!

Imagine with  me a typical morning at YFC...it is close to 9am and I zip in the door on my scooter!  Once my glasses defog and I take off my toque or hood if I remember to wear it and the first voice I hear says, "Good Morning, Dee!" I move off my scooter, grab my crutches, purse, bags, Bible etc and feeling frustrated that I don't have more hands to carry things I carry on towards my office while in the middle of my carrying a brother comes out, looks at me in the eyes and says, "Just ASK!"  In that moment, I swallow hard let go of my grip on the items I'm carrying and hand it over!  My "I can do it myselfness" dies and I realize that my arms were not made to handle crutches, books, bags and so I need to ask for help!  I need (we need at YFC) to remember that we were not meant to fix carry Youths depression, family problems, situations, but our job is to "Just Ask!" Jesus to intervene  and breakthrough because He is the One who is the Savior of the world...not Deanna and not even the organization of Youth For Christ.

So knowing that I need to Just Ask Jesus to be what He already is also frees me to invite more of you in the Body...the Church to be a part of discipling the Youth of Portage or the Youth in your city!  So here is my Just Ask list:

  •  Keep Praying
  • Invite Youth into Your life...in church, but outside of church
I can't carry it all...I need Jesus and you to help me!


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